Are you among those, who feel more productive at night and sleep well after 2 am, or that you suffer from chronic lack of sleep? Whatever be your reason for not getting enough sleep at night, you need to be careful, and rectify your sleeping pattern as research indicates that lack of proper sleep can hamper your heart health and could lead to a heart attack![1]
The number of hours that you sleep during the day can play an important role in maintaining your health. According to experts, adults should get an uninterrupted sleep of at least 7 hours each night. A sound sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It benefits your heart and boosts your energy levels and reasoning skills.
How Sleep Problems Could Lead To A Heart Attack?[1]
Continuous sleep deprivation has been linked to high blood pressure, one of the major risk factors for heart ailments. Also, sleep-deprived people have a higher level of stress hormones which cause inflammation, a precursor in cardiovascular disease. Studies reveal that even a single night of inadequate sleep can disturb your bodily system.
What’s more, if you are already suffering from a sleeping problem such as an OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), your risk of heart attack increases. In this condition, a person’s tongue or throat tissue obstructs the airway, making him/her difficult to breathe. This can occur many times a night. This sleeping disorder activates the body’s response to stress and gradually leads to weakening of the heart. OSA is also associated with obesity, which could further increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Insomnia is another condition, where a person finds difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Studies reveal that one in two adults experience short-term insomnia at some point in their life while a few others may suffer from chronic insomnia throughout their lifetime. Insomnia could make you feel lethargic, irritable and increase the risk of blood pressure leading to heart problems.
Tips To Get A Proper Sleep [2]
It is not unusual to get improper sleep once in a while, but it becomes a persistent problem, then you need to dig deeper to check if your habits are the reason behind it. Most of the time, a few changes in routine can help you get uninterrupted and sound sleep at night. Nevertheless, here are a few tips to follow:
Should I Take Sleeping Tablets To Get A Sound Sleep At Night?
If you have tried the above methods and still struggling to get a good sleep at night, seek your doctor’s help to identify the underlying problem. Do not take sleeping pills on your own to induce sleep as this can harm your body. Talk to your doctors and let them prescribe the medicines for you. The reason being sleeping pills could interfere with certain health conditions, aggravating your health.